Universities Ranking Methodology
The information we publish on our website engineeringuniversities.net is compiled and reviewed by our expert engineering school advisors, who spent their lives in teaching engineering education at different engineering schools, recruiting engineering staff and solving legal issues. As we make school program rankings, we have made sure about right, unbiased information. It will help you to understand the online courses and engineering school’s information. We always tried to keep all the visitors need at the front while establishing rankings school program.
We take it seriously when creating multiple criteria ranking algorithm. We selected some key data indicators. These indicator keys define the solution in the best possible way. The data we use is specifically related to the ranking algorithm. Moreover, in all terms our ranking procedure is impartial. Any school or program cannot buy better rankings as well at engineeringuniversities.net .
Meanwhile, some sort of information that is under consideration can vary by their rankings. There are some key points which we have put on high priority. These are academic quality, affordability, and online enrollment. In this article, we are breaking down our algorithm to help you to understand how a ranking can help your school and program.
Data sources for ranking
As we already shared that engineeringuniversities.net data source is our own engineering advisors who genuinely collect information from the local federal government agencies and international engineering ranking firms like Engineers Council USA and US News Engineering Universities Ranking. In most of the cases the information on engineeringuniversities.net comes from students surveys that we conduct from time to time. We collect this information and after analysis and keeping all the important factors in mind create our ranking for engineeringuniversities.net
Our primary source for collecting information about schools and program is the integrated post secondary education data system also known as IPSDS. The data come from annual surveys that are conducted by the department of education named nation center for education statics also known as NCES. Each engineering school, college and University that take Federal Financial aid must participate in these surveys. In these surveys, the administration asks about enrollment, faculty, qualifications, graduate rates, and finances. Normally, these are public data that anyone can get from school administration.
In addition to these, we also take personal contacts that provide about educational qualities, staff experience and other professional points. We also check students results and other activities that tell about the studies and average output as well. This also helps us to point out the favorite and recommended school, college, university and program. We also provide an individual subject expert ranking, school ranking, and program.
The ranking factors
At engineeringuniversities.net we value every single point that you want to know. Like the best quality of education, online programs, affordability, and enrollment dates. These factors easily explain our ranking program.
Moreover, when you going through these points each of them further divided and explain. Like results weights more than explaining favourite programs. They show the value of a particular degree more beneficial or not and tells how much students want to take part.
We select these factors to rank any school, college, university or program. It allows you to decide according to your will, availability, affordability, and job opportunity. In this way, students get the right idea about choosing the school, University, college and best program according to demand. Ideally, many students can balance our rankings according to their own priorities. Like if a student needs a totally online program than he or she prefers his own will than our rankings. In fact, our rankings are designed to make a decision not to make a decision for you.
1. Academics
- Admission rate
A rate at which students accept a school. It proves the quality, student’s affordability, and graduate rate. Students always select after checking these three factors.
- Full-time retention
Retention rate tells about the exact number of students who are studying in school instead of numbers who enroll there. These students may leave school due to affordability, education quality, and institutional support.
- Graduate rate
Graduate rate tells about the number of students who completed the degree as compared to the number of students who enrolled in the school. graduations rate often measure by 4 to 6 years interval.
- Faculty Strength
Faculty Strength tells about the teaching staff present in the particular school. The best-educated staff and heavy strength shows the superb quality of school.
2. Affordability
- Number of students get financial aid
Financial aid or scholarship also helps in ranking the school or college. The institution that provides more financial aid to their students is highly recommended and get a great strength as well.
- Number of students taking the loan
Every student who comes to school doesn’t have enough money to pay his dues. So, the number of loans taking students also helps in ranking school. It tells about the affordability of school, college or University.
- The net prices
The net price is an important factor that tells about complete expenses that come during studying particular program as well. It shows the net price that shows one can afford it or not.
3. Online enrollment
- Undergraduate enrolled in distance education
As online education expanding very fast. So, it is the major objective of the school to support online education and students. The school which has more online students 100 % Working on the betterment of online education.
- Graduate enrolled in distance education
As undergraduate students tell how much students want to join the online distance education. In the same way, graduate enrolled in distance education shows the number of students that passed the graduation. It shows the program quality that online programed for students.
- Graduate enrolled in only distance
It shows the experience, level to tackle the online students, and quality education that they provide completely online studies to their online graduate. It is the best factor to judge the school’s level or ranking.
Final Words
When it comes to rankings, students are our priority. We work hard and carefully collect information, compile them, and make a ranking list for students. Moreover, we have cleared in advertising terms and conditions that we do not appreciate any financial incentives to promote the particular school, college or University. Additionally, if you have any questions in your mind about our ranking program you can ask by sending us an email at info@engineeringuniversities.net